Monday, April 6, 2009

Play Ball!

While my band loving Aussie was away this weekend, I found myself listening to a lot of sports talk radio - I guess the silence was getting to me. Surprise! It's baseball season starting now, or more accurately yesterday. Now I know J hates hockey and I have no love for any New York teams, especially the Rangers since they took the cup from us... but I was wondering why not a baseball game. It's Yankee Stadium, I mean just think how many dates we might be able to swing in the future J if we say we made sure we made sure we were there to see the boys play. Now I will admit I think it's about the most boring of the sports games, and I really only will watch the playoff if the Jays are playing and well that hasn't happened in eons so, it hasn't happened in this decade. But it's the Yankee's it as quintessential as Lady Liberty... I know my argument is weak but let's say I might be willing to give up Saks and maybe Bloomingdales...


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