Sunday, April 19, 2009

New York Minute: Art, Hula Hoops and Public Exhibitions

I'm re-naming the just-named "New York Reminder of the Day" to New York Minute.

Because I'm cliche'd like that - and maybe slightly nostalgic for the pre-anorexia-drugs-and-rock-and-roll teen extravaganza film by the-olsen-twins-turned-mary-kate-and-ashley , New York Minute, in which MK&A take over manhattan pretending to be real grown-ups. Or I'm just being ironic. Don't ya think?

In any case, I came across this on the innertoobs and thought it was a perfect New York Minute:

Storefront opens Hula-hoop dome

New York’s iconoclastic Storefront for Art and Architecture is celebrating its 25th anniversary with a 26-day sequence of nightly events taking place beneath a lighted dome constructed out of white hula hoops. Built in Petrosino Park, a tiny sliver of green sandwiched between Soho and Little Italy, adjacent to the Storefront’s Kenmare Street location, the pavilion was designed by Korean architect Minsuk Cho and from a distance looks as if the moon has suddenly made a guest appearance in Manhattan.

I confess that after I got all excited about posting this, I realized the date on it was 2007, so the 25th anniversary they speak of is now a 27th anniversary and likely to not inspire construction of an outdoor geodesic dome made of lit hula hoops. Undaunted, I say - this is one of the things I'm looking forward to the most for our visit to NYC in the spring - we will be there at a ripe time for outdoor exhibitions, displays, performances, and architecture (arguably, most of architecture is outdoors, no?), and hopefully at just the right time for great weather.

I envision strolling through central park, stopping to admire some street artist's work, going to the craft and veggie markets on the Wednesday and Saturday, and finding the out-of-the-way galleries that do crazy things like this.

New York - I expect thee to surprise me. Do not disappoint!

(Just for fun, here's a clip of the aforementioned New York Minute featuring La MK&A. Enjoy - don't deny it. I know you will.)

1 comment:

  1. Okay so I confess I started to watch it but I just can't... brain is melting, but the way I have to fill my brain with 50's sugary pop instead. As for the hulahoops - awesome and NYC will not disappoint.
